Entries tagged "married"

Marriage Equality Throwback Thursday – Comedy at the Prop 8 March in NY

Even though we were angry and most of California had just passed Prop 8, it was an exciting moment. It was the moment that tipped the movement for marriage equality. We were angry but the energy was huge nationwide.

Being a married lesbian in the US was very unusual at that moment and performing to that crowd was a great experience.

Life being what it is, I’m now working on Everything Is Subject to Change, post-divorce. But I stand by everything I said here.

Just married…summer of erratic posting ahead

I’ve been offline a lot in the last few weeks making sure my wedding happened and experiencing it all. I’ll be in the South of India this summer. I plan to shoot video, but my posts will be dependent upon the Internet Cafe situation and my travels.

The Heather Gold Showwill return this fall along with an updated web site and regular nuggets from all the amazing shows that have happened. Let me know if you want to host the show in your DSL (or higher) enabled living room.

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