Entries tagged "lesbian"

Marriage Equality Throwback Thursday – Comedy at the Prop 8 March in NY

Even though we were angry and most of California had just passed Prop 8, it was an exciting moment. It was the moment that tipped the movement for marriage equality. We were angry but the energy was huge nationwide.

Being a married lesbian in the US was very unusual at that moment and performing to that crowd was a great experience.

Life being what it is, I’m now working on Everything Is Subject to Change, post-divorce. But I stand by everything I said here.

National Gallery has a show of gay and lesbian portraiture and art


Walt Whitman, 1891


The show, called Hide/Seek includes Eakins, Rauchenberg, Leibovitz, Mapplethorpe and more.


Listen to the NPR story on the first queer show at a national museum.


“Without gypsies, Jews and fags, there is no art” – Mel Brooks, To Be or Not To Be


HT: @ElyseSinger (fb)


I peed in a small container this morning…

I peed in a small container first thing this morning.

That’s what the woman from the electronic box company help line told me to do.

“The first urine of the morning is the most concentrated.”

Ordinarily these days I’d just pee on the stick directly and then put it into the electronic box that monitors my surge in LH or lutenizing hormone. But my trip to the west coast got extended last week and I started my cycle there. So until noon, the little box still thinks it’s yesterday when I wake up. Thus the pee saving.

It’s the latest of many self-conscious moves I’ve had to make in an effort to get pregnant. I’ve had to check in so much during this insemination process, I’m totally the Mayor of my uterus.

Because we have limited funds, time (I turned 42 on Wednesday) and only as much sperm as we can afford, we have to be precise. We need to make each month’s insemination as high yield an attempt as possible. If next week’s doesn’t work I’ll get maybe 4 more tries. I feel like Luke trying to hit the Life Star.

When the nurse practicioner told me today that she recommended more monitoring every month I had to fight back tears as I explained that we weren’t doing monthly sonograms or more testing because we couldn’t afford it. If I can get pregnant, we’ll need 5k just for the 2nd parent adoption in NY.

It’s running us $560 for a .5cc vial per month. But this is top shelf stuff. Identity release, Grey Goose sperm. Over 66 million per cc. Sperm is ubiquitous. Sperm that can get you pregnant that is from someone who can be known to your kids but not challenge your legal custody is not.

But maybe the pain of all these details are going to pale in comparision to the joy of parenting. Just like coming out in the abstract makes all the hardships crystal clear. But all of those laws and prejudices are simply dwarfed by real love and the truth of who you are.

So tomorrow morning, again, I will pee in a small container.

This post is up here part of @3six5, a fun group project that told 365 stories for a year from 365 points of view curated by @Len Kendall and @DanielHonigman.

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

The Great Hack

The Great Hack from The Great Hack on Vimeo.

I ask geeks to use their powers for good and defeat prop 8 (copy protection for marriage) on Nov 4th.

Join us at thegreathack.com

The people fighting to copy protect marriage spent over $20 Million. We spent $15.80

When is the first time a girl made you feel squishy inside?

When is the first time a girl made you feel squishy inside?

Originally uploaded by subvert.com

I’ve been asking this question at the Dyke March for 8 years. It always brings a smile. Happy Pride Weekend.

(Don’t forget to vote in CA November 4th against the marriage ban)

Vote me America's funniest lesbian

Curve just let me know that I’m nominated. Vote and tell your friends.

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