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Facebook's "everywhere" doesn't understand some basics of meaningful social engagement

From TechCrunch’s piece on Facebook’s recent announcement/

Facebooks concern for themselves over their users (and disregard of their privacy) also shows up in creating poor “social” experiences much like the ones Google Buzz made as the comment above shows.

Self-agency is a core element of social engagement.

Everyone participates in different publics. But technology doesn’t differentiate between them well. People do. That’s why algorithmically driven automation (made more intense by fb by default opting in people to sharing their info across the web) assumes that what one says to this group one says to everyone or even more clearly..that everyone is sharing the same context all the time.

re: social-agency.. I very much am a fan of openness and use it a great deal in tummeling and opening people up is part of creating a socially engaging space or convo. but if people don’t feel they are choosing to participate..if they are doing so because of peer pressure only or because of tech defaults then the act of engagement isn’t actually engagement. Ones sense of self isn’t coming with you. In FBs case it’s even lamer (Google Buzz did this too) bc it’s laying info / people where it makes no sense.
By definition, controlling relationships, ones which are not consciously chose ( and I don’t justm ean initially I mean continually) are not relationships on one being WITH another. Its one reason tummeling is so criticaal. It’s how we people can help make connections but it is based on seeing the other person and connecting with them subjectively. (Facebook and Goolge in its own way) aren’t trying to do this. FB wants the *result* of youy but they aren’t particularly interested in you. this is still industrial era relating even if it happens in a web 2.0 candy “social” shell.

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

The volcano, ashcloud and my #ashtag adventure

The Berlin Railway Station yesterday


I’ve had tremendous support from individuals at the location I’m trying to get too. Some airlines like air_baltic are responsive but it’s hard to get any response from most. I was lined up to get a train ticket then take a ferry from Stockholm. I met someone on twitter while using the key hashtags


and she is in Helsinki and kindly read and researched the ferries to be sure there was availability for me. She even offered to expense the ferry for me (Im speaking at her employers this week) and offered me her place if I was stuck in Helsinki as she’s going to travel to Berlin then.

While I was waiting in line for the ticket I saw at least 4 different camera crews come to do stories on the lineup and the vlcano cloud / European travel freeze. I was interviewed by both CNN and Deutsche Welle (German TV). I tried to give both of them this information to let people know how to get help travelling (updates on air space–responsive tweeter)

Free and less expensive places to stay

Many couchsurfers will also help you navigate. I also recommend reaching out to people on and . Twitter is the most helpful place right now. The media that interviewed me was uninterested in this information (I hope it can help you or someone you know). They also weren’t interested in asking the German railways (DeutscheBahn) why they don’t allow electronic ticketing.

I’ve got quite a crazy driving adventure on my hands! I’m about to take a cab to the Potsdam Railway from Berlin. The YLE (Finnish BBC) CEO will pick me up in a car with a politician who is (I think) the leader of the Finnish opposition party. (My friend Alex Baumgardt kids me that by the end of this story I will have gotten Finland to be the first UnGovernment…all because of the exploding Iceslandic volcano). We’re driving to Estonia to get the ferry to Helsinki.That means going through Poland Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia all places that are new to me.

I’m speaking to YLE next week about social media the future of communication and getting used to change. The heart of what I do is all about people (even when I’m doing stand up). This volcano experience is is really such a perfect example of content merging with action and the trust, connection, flexibility and resilience of p2p (people talking to people, often via technology)  while the hub and spoke systems of communication are frozen.

The TV media are so focussed on crisis, conflict and drama ..looking for a story that they don’t see the way they are preserving and encouraging conflict and preventing action.

I know everyone isnt as lucky as I am to have this as an adventure with support but while institutions fail and nature is fickle people are there. Please reach out to other people. You may be surprised at how many will help you and how fun it is to help others.

I’ll try to keep posting from the road.

Posted via web from subvert with heather gold

Plan C -Patti Smith sings Smells Like Teen Spirit

My Plan C from tonight’s German interactive performance:

Step 1 Bake chocolate chip cookies
Step 2 Take a nap
Step 3 Listen to Patti Smith

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

@Bre and MakerBot at Republica

At last we meet in real life.

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

Leaving home only to find it

What’s hot in Berlin? A taqueria-ish place complete with map of my old neighbourhood.

Reminds me of that song Ring Those Bells (?) about the NYers that travel half-way round the world to find someone who lived next door in their apartment.

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

new chartreuse sneaks from East Berlin

So at this pharmacy you are cures by either drugs or head coverings?

This is as big as the Long Island geek scene is

iPad watchers. There was a pretty good sized line this morning say the staff here. At this point it’s a rambling stream of people who have reserved one picking one up and people like me who just want to see it.

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

Vera and I

why we want power

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