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Hot F+ck You Sign Language Video

1. Man this chick is super cute. 

2. I think that this is a mostly deaf audience and what could be better than having your tune/performance get them clapping along?

3. this song has been in my head since I first heard it a while ago. Good luck getting it out. Perma-groove.

Heather Gold at Moo Jew with Zach Sherwin and Jena Friedman

Great documentary film recommendations

If you like documentaries and wonder what some good recommendations would be here’s a great list.
I complied it form the suggestions made to pal Jesse Epstein, a wonderful documentary filmmaker in her own right (see the hilarious Wet Dreams and False Images) and founder of indie filmmaking network Shooting People who was looking for good introductory films for some students on Facebook. Here’s the list her friends suggested. I’m guessing many of these suggesters are documentary filmmakers too:No Lies
David Holzman’s Diary
Dark Side of the Moon
Brother’s Keeper
American Movie
In A Dream
The Cove
Boys of Baraka
The Life and Times of Alan Ginsburg
(the 2nd DVD includes interviews w Johnny Depp and Patti Smith)
It Might Get Loud
Bueno Vista Social Club
Man on Wire
Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
Hoop Dreams
The Thin Blue Line
Super Size Me
Mad Hot Ballroom
Born Into Brotherls
Food INc
Dogtown and Z Boys
The Fog of War
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The first time Gram didn’t recognize me

Press: What a CT Xmas Needs: Jewish Comedians w Chinese Food

Looking forward to returning to play Moo Jew this Dec 23rd in West Hartford CT with the super fun Jewy hip hop comic MC Mr. Napkins Zach Sherwin. Can’t wait to dig into my memories of Jewing up the Whiffenpoof’s appearance at the Greenwich Country Club.

Downtown NY Artist Hannukah Joy

New York, NY

My #
We lit the 4th candle last night at Sandi Dubowski’s (
wonderful annual Hannukah bordello. He and Amichai Lau-Lavie ( gave a wonderful performative blessing.

“the Maccabees were Jewish freedom fighters with anger management issues with their oppressive with their otherwise hot Hellenistic oppressors.”

((tags: Jewish, Hannukah, road trip, LGBT, Amichai Lau-Lavie, storahtelling, light, freedom, darkness, USA, Canada, border))

hot NY diva action

impromptu Hourglass SoloLab moment at filmmaker @SandiDubowski’s (Trembling Before G-d) Hannukah Bordello downtown heather gold, elyse singer, yolanda shoshana, christen clifford 

Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, Niagara, machines

Marilyn in my hometown, Bernard of Hollywood at the Warhol Museum
Pittsburgh, PA 

“An actress is not a machine.
But they treat her like a machine.
A money machine.”
-Marilyn Monroe

“I make work this way
because I want to be a machine.”
-Andy Warhol

I grew up in Niagara Falls where Marilyn filmed one of her first, if not her first leading role.

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Mondrian moment

Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh

Nearing the final stages of #or perhaps it will never end

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

An unexpectedly perfect day and a poem: Long before physics knew it

Sometimes the exact perfect flow of events happens when life grabs you by the throat.
-photo Piedmont Park, Atlanta

Long before physics knew it
You could plant
And cut years apart

Feelings laugh at space
and ending has nothing to do with Love
Love mocks it all
Happy to laugh at your misery
Your joy
It doesn’t go anywhere
It doesn’t travel

It’s already soaked everything through

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