Entries tagged "videos"

Sex and the Presidency

Some recent stand-up fun. Thanks to Nato Green for having me at Laughing Liberally, Kurt Weitzmann and Will Durst.

New Yorkers will die

In case you want to do a solo show

The Jewish trifecta: Nazis, Jesus + bagels

The Heather Gold Show: DIY

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Buy tix for next show The instructables folks add a lot to the DIY conversation, whipping out their lasercut laptops, delighting MAKE founder Dale Dougherty and the rest of us. Featuring ikea hacks.

She's Geeky: featuring baked goods + globalization.

Video thumbnail. Click to play

I had fun at the first chick tech unconference. Watch and learn how women are really just so different.

video: Canada invaded

News from the Future: Canada invaded by Narizonavadamexico in Water Wars.


A subverted travelogue of our adventures in France, Spain and America which turns out to be a pretty wonderful place.

Vote for my SXSW panels

The panel picker just launched. If you’d like to see these panels happen, then lay 5 stars on ’em. And have your pals do the same. It would make me very happy.

• Gossip isn’t just for breakfast anymore. It’s the new news, and at the heart of the much of the new content, viral marketing, the new investment analysis and the new business model. Do we have time for facts? Owen Thomas from Valleywag will be on the panel as will some very different folks.

• What Will Replace the Studio Model Online? Somewhere between Goo Tube and Hollywood, there are new studio models trying to be born. With most models working to serve advertisers or tech needs of users, who is serving the creator’s point of view?

Vote now.Yes now.

Of course, The Heather Gold Show will be there too…

Supernova 2007 – video discussion

  • While asking a question about getting to video audience online:
    “During the civil rights movement, the sherrif would make black people come into his office in order to vote and ask them how many bubbles are there in a bar of soap.” – Tom Mandel
    How Mr Mandel connected this to video, I am still uncertain.
  • What key content will drive people on to the net to watch? Very little says Lee Berke, except sports. Lee Burke, surprisingly, works for sports teams.
  • The video audience online is pretty small now, says Scoble. The top show is Rocketboom at 300,000. Justin.tv (here in the room) says 10-20,000 for his livecast. So Scoble chose a small niche attractive to advertisers and spends a lot of focus getting his posts to high Google rankings (via metadata and headlines) since most people experience the Internet via Google.
  • When we let people come imbed a player from our site into theirs with our content our traffic tripled- Scoble
  • Kyte.tv – the democratic web video play by the Skype co-founders. (Jost is the “quality” MSM play). You can imbed this on your facebook page.
  • 14 cents/GB = cost of video. So is there a revenue model big enough to support this? Because if you get too populsr, how can you fund this?
  • How do we get an advertiser to recognize the value of our enthusiastic audience of 5-30,000 users? Good Night Burbank team member-Sanford Dickert. Answer was wait 5 years.
  • Other than Scoble and Goodnight Burbank, I was the only person I know i=of in the room actualy making stuff, and the only one making it long-form net-first. This point of view changes my interests and what I see:

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