Entries tagged "videos"

Marriage Equality Throwback Thursday – Comedy at the Prop 8 March in NY

Even though we were angry and most of California had just passed Prop 8, it was an exciting moment. It was the moment that tipped the movement for marriage equality. We were angry but the energy was huge nationwide.

Being a married lesbian in the US was very unusual at that moment and performing to that crowd was a great experience.

Life being what it is, I’m now working on Everything Is Subject to Change, post-divorce. But I stand by everything I said here.

morning Jew 9/22/13 The Pope, Israel pays for Propoganda and Pop Chips

Katie and I take on the latest headlines and ask: is it good for the Jews? All the good nosh here.

Baby Book 2.0: My Long Talk with Leo LaPorte

I had a lovely time guesting on This Week In Google recently and afterwards Leo and I chatted. It turned into a kind of spontaneous broadcasting marathon with about 8,000 folks tuning in live. I had just inseminated for the first time that morning and we talk about that and all the tech and absurdity involved. If I am pregnant (fingers crossed) then this would be a heck of a way to start the baby book memories.

Leo and I talked about a lot of things, among them: his years in radio, people he’s interviewed like Jimmy Stewart and Adam West, his weekend with Steve Jobs, comedy, why talk radio is so emotionally melodramatic and how to do independent content online and make it work financially.

It’s been said many times but I’ll say it again: Leo is a total mensch and maybe one of the nicest people in broadcasting. You know how Conan said work hard and be kind to people and good things will happen? Leo deserves to receive an endless supply of good things.

Posted via email from subvert with heather gold

What No on 8 should have looked like

17 year old James testifies to Vermont Senate on LGBT Equality.

He nails the second class citizenship issue. Nails it. Please excuse my choice of words.

But forget al the abstract crap about civil unions etc. Here is the point: Are we equal or are we inferior?

This is how we need to campaign in California and across the country. And we need to have lots of

meals with other people and talk about it honestly.

[vid] tHGS@SXSW07: Continuous Partial Attention


with /Micki Krimmel, Derek Powazek, Tantek

This year’s tHGS@SXSW is March 16th: Something From Nothing feat. Derek Sivers (CDBaby), Andy Baio
(Upcoming, waxy) + Janice Fraser (Emmet Labs, Adaptive Path). Please come. Participate from anywhere
and help make it happen and support great crowdsourced convo. http://heathergold.com/show

WATCH subvert w/heather gold. morning headlines sans bs

Got questions for future shows? Post em here.

tags: “Bernie Madoff”, “closeted Scientologist,” Toyota, economy, guilt, “Dick Cheney” , “Hannukah miracle”

The Great Hack

The Great Hack from The Great Hack on Vimeo.

I ask geeks to use their powers for good and defeat prop 8 (copy protection for marriage) on Nov 4th.

Join us at thegreathack.com

The people fighting to copy protect marriage spent over $20 Million. We spent $15.80

this morning: Michelle Obama and my possible GTD conversion

Even though it is sad and a tad ridiculous to me that Michelle Obama had to give the “Look, I don’t have horns” presentation to the nation, nothing in this video is meant to belittle the fact that it is moving to feel:

  • we could have an emotionally functional first family
  • the joy of a possible first lady whose peace comes from within and not over the counter
  • an African-American family take its place on our national stage of power and hold its ground. Finally.
  • America begin to realize how much of its bountiful human resource it has been ignoring.

Just married…summer of erratic posting ahead

I’ve been offline a lot in the last few weeks making sure my wedding happened and experiencing it all. I’ll be in the South of India this summer. I plan to shoot video, but my posts will be dependent upon the Internet Cafe situation and my travels.

The Heather Gold Showwill return this fall along with an updated web site and regular nuggets from all the amazing shows that have happened. Let me know if you want to host the show in your DSL (or higher) enabled living room.

what equality feels like



Moments from the celebrations on the day when the Supreme Court of California handed down it’s decision that all Californians can marry, and that any discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is unconstitutional.

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