Entries tagged "the Heather Gold Show"

The Heather Gold Show: Perception Rundown

LtoR: Magic Safire, Heather Gold, Cassidy Curtis. Gone home before we snapped the picture: Enzo Lombardo-Quintero. photo: Raquel Coelho

The show sold-out which meant that we had to turn people away. We are looking into moving to a bigger room to accomodate our growing community.

Snack: Chocolate chip cake, brought by Samuel K, our regular baking maven.

More photos.

Cassidy Curtis has number/colour and letter/colour synesthesia. That means that each of his numbers and colours each appear to him with a colour that has not changed as long as he can remember. Cassidy didn’t realize that this was a unique way to see the world until he was about 8. He found no explanation in books and finally asked his father what colour the letter “a” was. When pressed to explain the colour each letter would have if it had to have one, his father chose the colours of the spectrum. Cassidy just knew that this was wrong and then realized that everyone did not see the colours he did.

Every synesthete at the show or that I’ve met has had a moment like this. But even wihtout a unique neurological coupling of the senses everyone has moments like this in life, in which we realize that everyone does not see things the way we do and therefore is different from us.

We had a lot of conversation about race and culture with different audience members telling us about the moment they realized they were from a culture and not just “the way things are.” I myself learned that I was white when I was told at 19 that I couldn’t fill out the minority application for American colleges because I was white. It had never occurred to me before then. Vince grew up in an Irish-Catholic enlave in Missouri and was in seminary and never really experienced anything different until he went to work and later moved away at 39.

Magic Safire did a trick with a card and some dots on it. She showed us how it was done and then in doing so, tricked us even further, making a ton more dots appear. The magic trick made it clear that we somtimes enjoy being surprised by our inability to perceive things. We all use shortcuts to understnad things and often use race or gender to mean something because we perceive it more quickly. This is true with colour/letter synesthesia too. Cassidy mentioned that he has taken the wrong bus or mixed up names of people like Dave and Mark because those names have the same colour. It’s the colour he remembers and goes to quicker than the name or bus line.

When we have a lack (like Enzo’s blindness and now double-vision) or a coupling (like Cassidy’s synesthesia) or are expecting to be tricked (like Safire’s illusion) we become aware of our perception process itself. This seems to make us curious, aware that we see differently than others and therefore more tolerant becasue we’re not holding others to behave the same as we would.

All of this may not sound hilarious but it pretty much was.

Give a listen.

Highlights + Links

  • Is synesthesia inborn or learned? Neuropscyhologist Brian Alvarez said he can authoratatively state that we don’t know.
  • Do all synesthetes see the same colours with each letter or number? No.
  • There are many kinds of synesthesia. Somepeople ‘s letter osr numbers or words have gender or taste. Some see music (think Fantasia). Lots more synesthesia info here.
  • Synesthetes at the show wished they had each others’ abilities. For example, Colleen Silva has different maps of chronological things (dates, days of the week, years etc) mapped around her body three dimentionally, but wishes she saw colours.
  • Hanging out at the bar after the show, my friend Tony realized for the first time (he’s in his 20s) that he has synesthesia. Like Colleen, he also maps dates in space, mostly millenia.
  • A flash applet Cassidy built which lets you see how his synesthesia interacts with memory and attention.
  • Synesthesia can aid memory, which is how Daniel Tammet,who is also a savant (and nicknamed “Brain Man”) memorized Pi to over 22,000 digits.There is not as much “recall” but a present experience of the colours and shapes that translate to numbers.In Tammet’s case, a 3 dimensional landscape.
  • You can learn more about the synesthesia research studies that
    are happening at Berkeley through the Research Subject Volunteer Program here and here.

Perception (audio podcast)

4/13/07 How does perception lead to knowing? How is life different for someone with coupled senses—someone who can literally taste words? Can we all change our world view and how often?

Heather conversates with
Synesthete Cassidy Curtis comic performer and now partially-blind Enzo Lombardo-Quintero, magicianMagic Safire, cognitive neuropsychologist Brian Silva and the people formerly known as the audience

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

How did you first realize that you see the world in a particular way?

San Francisco Chronicle features The Heather Gold Show

If you see the print version, the show’s in the 96 hours section. With a lovely photo by Heather Powazek Champ too. Here ’tis.

We have a great show tonight. And by we, I mean it literally. Many thanks to all the fantastic people working to make this show possible: Paul Schreiber, David Minkow, Steve Tornello, Jose Hernandez, Ricky Montalvo, Anca Mosoiu, Brett Metzger, Rhys Mason, Brendon Battaglia, Dave Rittberg, Schlomo Rabinowitz, Justin Lanelutter, Alex Maness, Morgan Schmidt-Feng, Colin and all the bakers. If you want to get involved, send me a note at subvert [at] subvert [dot] com.

The Heather Gold Show: Perception Invite 4/13/07

This month’s show tastes like applesauce according to our guests. Do you know how you perceive the world?

This video was originally shared on blip.tv by heather gold with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license.

SXSW: Continuous Partial Attention. Monday Night.

Heather Gold Show @ sxsw

Heather Gold Show @ sxsw

To link to the show, you can use this scooby dooby thing:
Heather Gold Show

Here is the RSVP page. What a 1999 web page sentence.

I’ll be vlogging + podcasting the thing as soon as editing can happen. Oh magical Internet, why can’t you make editing happen so much more easily?

SXSWi has so many people this year, there are lineups at things. Lineups I tell you.

What makes a good partnership work? (audio podcast)

2/9/07 Heather mixes couples counselor Judye Hess, Talmudic scholar Zvi Septimus, Google partnership manager Jason Shellen and the people formerly known as the audience. What makes a good partnership work, whether it’s a marriage between people, companies or countries? How are the conflicts and dynamics similar, and how are they resolved?Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

The Heather Gold Show: Partnership Rundown

LtoR: Jason Shellen, Zvi Septimus, Heather Gold and Judye Hess

The more I thought about Partnership, the more I saw it everywhere. Isn’t a job like a a marriage? Great interviews are like hot dates: “You’re ideas, we love your ideas! And your rolodex, yes yes!” And then 3 months in, that same manager is wondering why you’re also “yapping up” with suggestions and you can’t just keep your head down and underline the stuff you’ve been told to find. Aren’t Israel and Palestine literally stuck together without any hot sex to keep things going?

How do you grow with someone without giving up your self?

Jason Shellen from Google (previously from Blogger) has been doing deals and relationships for a while now in the professional realm. This is now called “new business development,” a position I used to hold myself at different companies. At some companies this looks a lot like sales (aka “pimping”). What this comes down to is that both companies benefit from the relationship in an ongoing way. It’s more than fee for services (which is legally + historically, what marriage looked like). Jason is married (in a life, not business kind of way) to Alison whom his been with since they were 18.

A chevrusah is a Talmudic study partnership. The Talmud is like the literary criticism of the Torah (Hebrew Bible) and studying it is a major part of life if you’re a relgioius Jewish man (the man is a traditional thing) or a PhD candidate in Jewish studies like UC Berkeley, doctoral candidate Zvi Septimus.
Zvi talked about his most traumatic chevrusah chevrusah experience:

Me, my chevrusah Yoni, his wife and his two kids, all moved to Israel together because we thought we’d be able to study better there. And then, like, a month into it, he gave me the “It’s not you, it’s me” speech.

It always happens right after you move for them.

Veteran couples counsellor Judye Hess (who brought her boyfriend of 81/2 years) had the line of the night.

“Judye, is there any way to keep a relationship good all the time?”


“Does that work,” asked Zvi?

“It works for my sister,” replied Judye.

Highlights and Links

  • God help my cynical roots, but here are books I found helpful. Just filter through the covers, fonts and much of the language for nuggets of truth
  • > The Dance of Anger – Harriet Lerner [there is a basic dynamic that you are always part of. When you chnge, your partner will absolutely change.]
  • >Passionate Marriage – David Schnarch [differentiation–holding on to yourself while in close connection with another–is the key to a healthy relationship and hot sex]
  • Zvi leads study with partners on Sundays at the Mission Minyan in San Francisco
  • The Cluetrain Manifesto. If markets are conversation, then all business is now relationships.
  • Judye: “It’s hard to put all your eggs in one basket.” Heather “Is that why relationships are so hard?” Judye: “Yes, especially if you count on this person for everything…Nobody can really fill the bill for anybody if you’ve gotta be everything.”

The Heather Gold Show plays SXSW 07

We’ll be at The Ritz on the 6th Street strip on Monday March the 12th. 7-8:30 with lots of great drinks and fun.

Make a digital note of it!

The Heather Gold Show: Outside In Rundown

The Heather Gold Show: Outside In

Friday January 12th, 2007

Bradley Horowitz‘s name kept popping up. Some programmers at Songbird raved about him, “He bought all the cool shit at Yahoo.” By that they meant: flickr, upcoming and other sundry “Web 2.0” companies that make great stuff.

As we discussed in the show, he’s like an A+R guy that the indie musicians trust. He has real spirit, which is why I thought he’d make a great guest. The passion he wanted to discuss was hacking and the sublime that comes from subverting systems for their own good. Bradley create Yahoo Hack Day. He’s an insider that got other insider’s to listen to outsiders: bringing hackers to camp on Yahoo’s lawn and bring Beck to play for them all. Super cool outside coming in. I thought so, until Anil let me know the other day about Beck’s Scientology, a “religion” that’s so insider, you have to pay to belong.

Harmon Leon is an outsider who stays an outsider by geing a fake insider. He read a piece about infiltrating a Benny Hinn faith healing hoping for release from his “bird flu” and being hurled to the ground by staffers as Benny rebuked the demons in him.

<a href=”http://www.culturalodyssey.org”>Rhodessa Jones</a> helps women who are outsiders (on the “inside,” aka prison) transform themselves through theatre. She defied cliche liberal ideas by asserting the need for prison, “some people belong in prison, okay?”

Bradley and Rhodessa were clear on one central truth. The way to connect and cross boundaries from outside in, is to really listen to people with regard. Harmon’s technique for gaining the trust of groups from the Christian right to the young Republicans? “I just parrot back to them their own beliefs.” People are happy to look f=no further.

Highlights and Links

  • Harmon Leon – first infiltrated on a dare to himself that he had to get and lose a job within 3 hours, all the while working in a bad fake foreign accent. It took many efforts to get the fast food place to fire him. The clincher was shoving a vanilla shake and fries in his mouth, and spewing it on the floor by customers. “Ich been sick.”
  • Rhodessa’s story about working in a peep show in early 1970’s San Francisco and recognizing ptron’s Richard Pryor and jazz great Mose Allison. She was playing Mose’s music and when he approached her she recognized him, and he took off.
  • Rhodessa Jones’ Medea Project

Outside In (audio podcast)

1/12/07: Heather conversates with creator of Yahoo Hack Day Bradley Horowitz, undercover satirist Harmon Leon, theatrical midwife Rhodesa Jones, Founder of The Medea Project: Theatre for Incarcerated Women and the people formerly known as the audience.

What allows people access to each other and places that they’d never otherwise go? What is gained by the outside/in perspective?

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

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