Entries tagged "shows"
Sex, Love, and Commitment – Listen to the show
While Heather is off getting formally committed in San Francisco, listen to the most recent show, recorded on June 12. About halfway through, there’s a moment where everyone copped to being in love, and what that means. A most adorable moment!
The Heather Gold Show: Process Over Outcome, May 12, 2008 – Listen to the podcast
Listen to the full discussion about genetics, weaving, software development, democracy, risk management, and a process that encourages the inclusion of multiple points of views when making a decision. With Denise Caruso, Jesse Simons, Travis Meinolf and other guests.
The Heather Gold Show: Process Over Outcome, May 12, 2008 (mp3 file, 34 MB)
headlining Gaypril at the U of Rochester
The show was a blast. One audience member brought her teddy bear named Cuddles to the show.Turns out she’s a straight Christian who lives her spiritual politics. Of course, the bear brought up plushy references from me in the show which then brought out a furry to me after the show (who pronouced Cookie “The hottest, funniest show I’ve ever seen.”). That’s some diversity!
San Francisco Chronicle features The Heather Gold Show
If you see the print version, the show’s in the 96 hours section. With a lovely photo by Heather Powazek Champ too. Here ’tis.
We have a great show tonight. And by we, I mean it literally. Many thanks to all the fantastic people working to make this show possible: Paul Schreiber, David Minkow, Steve Tornello, Jose Hernandez, Ricky Montalvo, Anca Mosoiu, Brett Metzger, Rhys Mason, Brendon Battaglia, Dave Rittberg, Schlomo Rabinowitz, Justin Lanelutter, Alex Maness, Morgan Schmidt-Feng, Colin and all the bakers. If you want to get involved, send me a note at subvert [at] subvert [dot] com.
About last night
photo: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
I had fun last night performing at the 10 Zen Monkey’s Fundraiser for the EFF. I even busted a few folks twittering during the set 🙂
Beth Lisick and Tara Jepsen did a really funny bit with their meshugenah ladies Carole Murphy and Mitzi Fitzsimmons and Will Franken was brilliant. We had a very fun argument afterwards about Israelis and Palestinians. I guess this is how comedians who aren’t easily categorized bond. Beats getting high and talking about failed sexual escapades and poop.
SXSW: Continuous Partial Attention. Monday Night.
To link to the show, you can use this scooby dooby thing:
Here is the RSVP page. What a 1999 web page sentence.
I’ll be vlogging + podcasting the thing as soon as editing can happen. Oh magical Internet, why can’t you make editing happen so much more easily?
SXSWi has so many people this year, there are lineups at things. Lineups I tell you.
Daily Epigram
All law is fiction.
I teach all of law school in 90 minutes tonight
I’ve got a work-in-progress run through of my new show–The Law Project–tonight at The Marsh in SF.
All the details and some video are here. This show has already persuaded 2 applicants not to go to law school. That’s over $240,000 saved!
These workshops are really key to my writing process. Tonight I’ll be trying different audience interaction modules (I like to have pieces of every show that change every time) and integrating the lessons and my story. People have been asking me for years how I got from law student to comedian and this show is the answer. Living your life because you’ve “sunk costs” into something is just a recipe for more heartache and new unpredicted costs with decreasing upside. If “decreasing upside” makes no sense to you, congratulations on being happy and human. That sentence wasn’t for you.
If you’re in San Francisco, come to The Marsh tonight at 8pm.
Jury selection
I wasn’t picked today, but it was interesting watching the process. I’m not all thrilled with the legal system as you’ll see in my upcoming show The Law Project, but I loved the way each prospective juror meant as much as the next. Other than the DMV and Mitchell’s ice cream (and shows of course), it’s the only place in San Francisco in which I’ve experienced a true diversity of people being together. One propsective juror is an older Chinese woman. Like every other prospective juror she had stated the ages of her children. The Associate DA presumptuously began her hypothetical: “You know when you’ve had to make a decision between her daughters….”
“No,” the prospective juror interjected in her accent.
“Haven’t you had to make a decision?” asked the young woman prosecutor
“Who made the decisions for your daughters.”
It was hilarious and sad too. She was later excused.