Entries tagged "geek"

The blogging equivalent of the wave

In looking at the Obama blog I’m noticing people doing a blogwave, basically posting one letter and then trusting the next person to spell the next letter and so on. Usually Yes We Can!

Has anyone seen this before on a blog? It’s a really interesting method of trust and connection through fun + vulnerability in a digital space.How’s that for analyzing the crap out of something fun. It’s like analyzing a joke, I know. 

I'm published. Read my story on Fray.

It’s not that I’ve never had anything to hide, I just can’t handle hiding anything. I found this out in grade five.

Read Elementary School Confessions…

My story is part of the first Fray Quarterly: Busted! now published as a lovely book by the lovely, bearded Derek Powazek whose work inspired a lot of my focus on the marriage of media and interactive community.

We're all shareware.

Me: I’m finding the time leading up to our wedding very romantic.

Mum: You guys are doing it the right way. You already know each other. [We’ve been together for 5 and lived together for 3.] In my day it was “What have I gotten myself into.” You can just enjoy it.

Mum is right. In terms of relationships, we’re all shareware now. 

Green building in Toronto

My little bro’s first piece for Worldchanging Canada. I’m so proud. While I’m shepping naches : here’s my sister’s think tank Open City Projects, also focussed on Toronto building.

with the geek table at Maryville College

Cafeteria flashback at Maryville College where I performed Cookie and spoke to 2 classes.

I had a great realization at this audience that while I’ve spent years thinking I’ve been performing/ connecting with many different audiences (Internet, Jewish, queer, theatre goers, craft 30-something chicks) they’re all geeks of a sort.

The Heather Gold Show: DIY

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Buy tix for next show The instructables folks add a lot to the DIY conversation, whipping out their lasercut laptops, delighting MAKE founder Dale Dougherty and the rest of us. Featuring ikea hacks.

She's Geeky: featuring baked goods + globalization.

Video thumbnail. Click to play

I had fun at the first chick tech unconference. Watch and learn how women are really just so different.

Extra Extra: Silicon Valley women make news by existing

The San Jose Mercury News sent a reporter to cover the She’s Geeky Conference. He quoted my observation that women are taught from the age of 2 to take care of everyone else so that we can feel secure, thus creating a potential lifetime search for external validation, resentment and confusion. (Why doesn’t everyone ie. my boss, my sweetie just recognize what a good job I’m doing?)

It is worth noting that the reporter was from the metro/gender beat and did not feel it was worth mentioning that neither the biz nor tech sections covered the conferece which was, inded, about technology and business.

DIY (audio podcast )

Heather conversates with MAKE founder Dale Daugherty, indie rapper Juba Kalamka, Carolyn Coquillette, the founder of American’s first hybrid garage and the whole room as we explore the sublime activity of Doing it Yourself.

Audio for the entire show (90 minutes)

Tell me more about your DIY projects – what have you done recently, and what did you learn?

I made the gossip pages

The San Francisco Chronicle’s Leah Garchick mentioned me today. Well, she actually mentioned filmmaker Tiffany Shlain giving a nod to my APPL=JEWS/MSFT=XIANS piece which is one of the pieces I’m proudest of and, ironically enough, for sale on iTunes.

It’s also my first piece to get me called Anti-Semitic and racits (though apparently not the last if you read my recent post on Jews and East Indians).

your proud Jewish pal,

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