Entries tagged "business"

What do you do? Jon Stewart

“I don’t spend any time thinking about what I am or what what I do means. I spend my time doing it.”
–Jon Stewart on Bill Moyers
in response to Moyers commenting that Stewart has evolved from a stand-up comic to a serious cultural and social critic.

What do you do?

Step 1: write your vocation / occupation[s] on a card
Step 2: stick that shit on your forehead
Step 3: take a snap of yourself

Then upload it here.

This is the theme of The Heather Gold Show in May. See you there.

Daily Epigram: wait to be asked

I heard John Hodgeman say this about his path to success on The Sound of Young America podcast. I just filled in what goes around it. (Included in Be Yourself would be “do your work and put it out there.”)Do I create a structure / container / brand / plan first or do I play? This is a question many artists, entrepreneurs and anyone else endeavoring to live a creative, fulfilling life asks.This is the answer. But it implies you have a container within you. You act as your own authority, even if you’re not quite sure about it. Asume that you will be asked to do what makes sense. But people can only ask of you what they know of you.

ourselves together: flagpole sitta

I’m starting a new ongoing thingy [otherwise known as a blog category] called ourselves together. My main mission is to create ways /a world/ in which we can be our full selves together. no censoring or conformity. a togetherness of individuals. a world without capitalization.

This is a joyous, beautful video that captures this.

Lip Dub – Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger on Vimeo

It’s made by peeps who work at vimeo and collegehumor.com. The most subversive element? Being their full joyous selves at work.

You can see from the comments how much we yearn for this.

other things I’ve written about coming out of the closet at work as yourself: work shouldn’t have to suck.
open source management

Flagpole Sitta-Harvey Danger
(this group is also releaseing their new album for free on Bit Torrent and for download)

tip o the noggin to vlogmaster nick douglas for the heads up.



Much of life bils down to feeling you have to choose between being yourself/free and being loved.

In order to have both, people often seek financial independence first. Of course, by the time you’ve sold off part of yourself and made the money, it’s hard to integrate and remember what you were all about before. Perhaps creating from a free place is how one can create financial independence. I’m banking on it.

Anil Dash has a real nice post about the kind of great stuff independent entrepreneurs can make.

My notes on VON (Video on the Net) Jeff Jarvis' talk.

today a few more women
people of colour
at least 4 yarmulkes

on stage:
1 woman
only white folks

working party at night:
1 guy dealing poker
1 guy tending bar
2 women in low-cut dresses
4 different video games

attending party:
1 guy who told me that he threw ice down the dresses of the women working there and that they loved it
1 guy who decided to caress my back before
dozens of fun geeks and vloggers
1 bubbewho played Guitar Hero
There is a picture somewhere

My notes on Jeff Jarvis’ talk. This stuff< > is my observations.

what blogs didn’t do to get advertisers. happy that video can do

find us
ads track perf

end blockbuster hit economy
vastness that matters


find the right voice
direct, blunt, new roughness
less slick

never decide a new orthodoxy says Jeff
300,000/hr is the cost on non-fiction TV

it’s about recommending

find things only by recommendations.

about giving up control and figuring out how to make money out of that.

viral is hard. “like a magnesium fire”

the good stuff is made in series by people who care by peopel who care to watch

creators distributors
ad sales
ad agencies

determine standards for us all

metrics-advertisers need it across all platforms, demos and patterns
>value links and embeds more than just plays
>need context of where they appear
>trust and identity: how to identify who stuff comes from
>how can the advertisers find us

-simple need he saw when he came up w EW. we need new kinds of guides

we’re all critics and we’re all networks

blip like this

guides/curatos: just find the good stuff

promotion, traffic , infrastructure, ad sales (what we get fr tv)

need protection against regulation

creativity> new definition of better/best

shelley: translating the currency of value to the currency of wealth

“fame” confidence/ reliability

Video on the Net conference notes

I think it had it’s own special name for sponsorship purposes, but I can’t remember it. There was a day positioned as Hollywood+SV at the Video on the Net conference.

San Jose seems like it’s anythiing but a destination city, but it costs $18 a day to park there. For those kinds of prices, you’d think the buildings you park to visit could look a little spiffier.

I found it interesting that at the first panel I was at 100% of the questions were asked by vloggers. It was fun hanging out with Steve Garfield, Enric and many other vloggers including a really bright Canadian musician and podcaster named Vergel Evans.

Speaking with Brent Weinsten (the UTA digital agent guy) after his panel was probably the other most interesting part ofthings. He’s all about the Benjamins, which is what an agent’s job is. But he’s also more frank then all the other Hollywood folks that were there. That used to be my job (studio biz dev) and I don’t miss it.

One panelist observed that the ignored giant is the already installed base of 17M set top boxes that show video which are game boxes.

I talked to Scheinman from Cisco a little afterwards, and the most interesting thing he said is that what is bridging the cultural gap btween SV and Hollywood is an empowered consumer that both industries aren’t sure how to deal with.


heather gold

2 sides looking to protect what they do and make more money somewhere.

8 women
1 black guy
1 yarmulke
in the room

rights:how do you get em

they all want the holy grail at the end of the “frothy market”

complex rights landscape

>>clearances. how to deal online?
cosumer prod market / creators of content

“myspace is about monetizing fragmentation”

cisco “what i want to do is solve the problems sarah is talking about”

how do you find anything

“its the mission of the network to have content find you” our mission: Cisco

Fox: we don’t have the time to build a lot of stuff

“we want to be in business with the elite”

UTA creating channel on veoh in the next few weeks as a legally safe, no tech effort , less searching way for them to look at stuff

>first time you can submit to them openly.

Cisco”The libertarian days of SV..this may mark a transition point”

time of change

fox + media cos say:
1>protect out content
2>monetize it when it gets viewed

brent” everything we do is based on the premise that premium content is worth more than non-premium content”

“get brands out there and promote a brand”

Jim/WB “this law suit (Viacom/Google) will help write the rules of engagement which we all need in this space

protect/>“consumers should find out content anywhere they go online…but we can do that in a way that we can control and monetize”

“future is superdistribution”

scheinman’s response to Jobs on DRM “Apple could create a standard”

weinbach “When co.s say protection what they mean is control”

wht’s really interesting is everything bt amatuer and repurposed media>>in this area protection is less important. (stuff made for the net) just have to make sure it includes some kind of monetiztion: spons or call to action

want the data says Fox chick. # of views etc

I think the word control has been used about 48 times by now.

What is scary: advertisers seeing the value of the “premium” content drop

vertically-integrated artist

This morning I realized that’s what I am.

Industries no longer need integrating. We do.

garden more

This is what we all need. How to choose your work/ partner/new venture/PhD thesis/husband/wife/bandmate/major?

What do you want to tend to in an ongoing way?

We don’t need constant initiation. What will thrive out there and in you is what you feed and care for.

This is what I tell myself. And I am someone who writes jokes and epigrams so that I don’t have to finish and nurture each idea (to avoid overwhelm).

Business has turned the corner form “masculine” to “feminine.”

geek sincerity

The intention we bring to our acts, affects the outcome of the acts.
The Net and the apps and creative acts that make it grow have been built, for the most part, out of a desire to connect and a desire for open-ness, which speeds genuine connection.

Any geek knows how to feel validated by others and even themselves by fixing problems. It’s a way to make ones head useful and feel present and appreciated by those for whom you solve problems. But any validation and sense of self worth/valuation or (company valuation) built on that alone will lead to an empty looping (something familiar to any geek who has felt befriended only for their laptop tech support skils).

This empty looping possibility is just as true for any organization or system. What makes the connection really genuine and ore self-sustaining is when it is the intentions that connect, not merely the acts.

The best thing about the geeks, the artists, the children or anyone who has maintained their genuine sincerity (with which we are all born) is that they live truly. And the connections made with an honest and vulnerably sincere person and their sincere acts don’t have to be fed by constant problem solving.

I see this on a huge level embodied on the Net. Only geeks would have built it. Not because the have the mad coding skills, but because they wanted to connect as they are with others and the temerity to *assume* other want to as well. This motivatation drives how the Net is being built and which structures, including those operating as businesses work on those structures.

So we have the Net, the digital era, a physical manifestation of the growing web of connection that is wrapping closer inside of us and or thoughts and our questions and our minds and hearts. It is helping shrink the earth like any empire before it.

It is the sincerity that truly links us. All 6.6 billion of us. We all came into this world with it.

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